The Global Investor Program (GIP) is designed for wealthy and successful entrepreneurs who are interested in obtaining Permanent Residence (PR) status through starting up a business or investing in Singapore. We will evaluate your profile your eligibility for GIP and assist you with the entire application process with the Economic Development Board (EDB) Singapore.
In the GIP Scheme, you can also apply for permanent residence together with family members:
Your spouse and children below 21 years old are eligible to apply for PR together with your PR application.
3-year and 5-year options are available, provided business or investment criteria are met.
Your children who are above 21 years old and your parents may apply for the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP)
The Immigration People, specializes in supporting foreign entrepreneurs, innovators and investors to obtain their residency status and establish their roots in Singapore. Speak to our experienced Immigration Consultants today to assist you with your immigration needs.
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